Es verdad que chocará el asteroide 2005 YU55 con La Tierra

Asteroide 2005 YU55

Información Oficial de la NASA (Inglés):

NASA scientists will be tracking asteroid 2005 YU55 with antennas of the agency's Deep Space Network at Goldstone, Calif., as the space rock safely flies past Earth slightly closer than the moon's orbit on Nov. 8. Scientists are treating the flyby of the 1,300-foot-wide (400-meter) asteroid as a science target of opportunity - allowing instruments on "spacecraft Earth" to scan it during the close pass.

Tracking of the aircraft carrier-sized asteroid will begin at 9:30 a.m. local time (PDT) on Nov. 4, using the massive 70-meter (230-foot) Deep Space Network antenna, and last for about two hours. The asteroid will continue to be tracked by Goldstone for at least four hours each day from Nov. 6 through Nov. 10. Radar observations from the Arecibo Planetary Radar Facility in Puerto Rico will begin on Nov. 8, the same day the asteroid will make its closest approach to Earth at 3:28 p.m. PST.

The trajectory of asteroid 2005 YU55 is well understood. At the point of closest approach, it will be no closer than 201,700 miles (324,600 kilometers) or 0.85 the distance from the moon to Earth.  The gravitational influence of the asteroid will have no detectable effect on anything here on Earth, including our planet's tides or tectonic plates. Although 2005 YU55 is in an orbit that regularly brings it to the vicinity of Earth (and Venus and Mars), the 2011 encounter with Earth is the closest this space rock has come for at least the last 200 years. 

During tracking, scientists will use the Goldstone and Arecibo antennas to bounce radio waves off the space rock. Radar echoes returned from 2005 YU55 will be collected and analyzed. NASA scientists hope to obtain images of the asteroid from Goldstone as fine as about 7 feet (2 meters) per pixel. This should reveal a wealth of detail about the asteroid's surface features, shape, dimensions and other physical properties (see "Radar Love" - ).

Arecibo radar observations of asteroid 2005 YU55 made in 2010 show it to be approximately spherical in shape. It is slowly spinning, with a rotation period of about 18 hours. The asteroid's surface is darker than charcoal at optical wavelengths. Amateur astronomers who want to get a glimpse at YU55 will need a telescope with an aperture of 6 inches (15 centimeters) or larger.

The last time a space rock as big came as close to Earth was in 1976, although astronomers did not know about the flyby at the time. The next known approach of an asteroid this large will be in 2028.
NASA detects, tracks and characterizes asteroids and comets passing close to Earth using both ground- and space-based telescopes. The Near-Earth Object Observations Program, commonly called "Spaceguard," discovers these objects, characterizes a subset of them, and plots their orbits to determine if any could be potentially hazardous to our planet.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the Near-Earth Object Program Office for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

More information about asteroids and near-Earth objects is at: .

More information about asteroid radar research is at: .

More information about the Deep Space Network is at: .

Un resumen en video (español) sobre los mitos y rumores:

Información Oficial de la NASA (Español):

Científicos de la NASA siguen muy de cerca la evolución del asteroide 2005 YU55, que pasará muy cerca de la Tierra el próximo martes 8 de Noviembre. En el punto de su máximo acercamiento el asteroide estará a unos 324.600 km, menos de la distancia que separa a la Tierra de la Luna. Los científicos calculan que el martes 8 de Noviembre a las 23:28 GMT, se producirá el máximo acercamiento del asteroide 2005 YU55.

2055 YU55 se caracteriza por presentar una rotación muy lenta y por poseer una trayectoria espacial que se aproxima demasiado a nuestra planeta. Este hecho lo ha provocado su inclusión en la lista negra de objetos potencialmente peligrosos, NEO, elaborada cada año, por astrónomos de todas partes del mundo.
Orbita - Tracking Online 2005 YU55

La órbita del asteroide hará que este pase “rozando” la Tierra, lo cual ha emocionado a gran parte de la comunidad científica dedicada al estudio de objetos y cuerpos espaciales como este. Varios laboratorios internaciones ya están preparando y poniendo a punto sus instrumentos para recoger la mayor cantidad posible de información.

"La importancia del meteorito 2005 YU55 radica en que cuando pase, se podrán obtener imágenes de radar a una resolución incluso mayor que la obtenida por las últimas misiones enviadas a estudiar asteroides,” dijo Don Yeomans, director del Programa de Objetos Cercanos a la Tierra de la NASA.

El paso del asteroide 2005 YU55 será el mejor y más cercano de todos los observados hasta ahora de objetos tan grandes, lo que representa una oportunidad única para estudiar fenómenos de este tipo.


Hacé clic acá para ver fotos del asteroide

Para ver el movimiento simulado o en vivo, TRACKING orbita y traslado, hacé clic acá (Es una aplicación online OFICIAL, requiere JAVA y contiene toda la información detallada sobre 2005YU55)

08:28 PM - (Hora Bolivia, Paraguay)
19:28 PM - (Hora Chile, Argentina, Uruguay)
00:28 AM - (Hora España)(9 noviembre)
16:28 PM - (Hora Centroamérica y Caribe)
17:28 PM - (Hora México, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú)
17:58 PM - (Hora Venezuela)
